A pdf-version of the programma can be downloaded here.
Thursday 14/09
8.30 Arrival and coffee
9.00 Introduction
9.15 – 10.15 Keynote lecture
Anders Cullhed (Stockholm University): Latinate Pranks and Exercises. Recycling Latin Classes in Western Lyric Poetry
10.15 – 10.35 Coffee break
Panel 1: Out of the Classroom. Remembering and Forgetting Latin.
Chair: Marco Formisano
- 10.35 Leon Grek (Princeton University): “I read it in the grammar long ago”. Forgetting Latin in the English Renaissance
- 11.05 Moa Ekbom (University of Gothenburg): Ripping Vergil Apart. The Nostalgia and Creativity of the sortes Vergilianae
- 11.35 Wim Verbaal (Ghent University): Beyond the Reach of Latin. The Emancipation of Western European Literatures from their Latin Background
- 12.05 Discussion
12.50 – 14.15 Lunch
Panel 2: In Front of the Classroom. Latin Teaching and Authority (I)
Chair: Jeroen De Gussem
- 14.15 Chrysanthi Demetriou (Open University of Cyprus and University of Cyprus): Teaching Controversial Topics at (Ancient) Schools: Donatus on Terence
- 14.45 Brian Jensen (Stockholm University): The Meaning and Use of Fabula in the ‘Dialogus creaturarum moralizatus’
- 15.15 Discussion
15.45 – 16.15 Coffee break
Panel 2: In Front of the Classroom. Latin Teaching and Authority (II)
Chair: Paolo Felice Sacchi
- 16.15 Romain Jalabert (University Paris-Sorbonne): Sainte-Beuve, Baudelaire, Rimbaud, etc., et le Gradus ad Parnassum
- 16.45 Ray Schrire (Hebrew University of Jerusalem): The Margins of Shakespeare’s Grammar. Humanistic Pedagogy in Theory and Practice
- 17.15 Discussion
17.45 End of day 1
18.00 Reception
Friday 15/09
8.30 Arrival and coffee
8.45 – 9.45 Keynote lecture
Erik Gunderson (University of Toronto): The Morosophistic Discourse of Ancient Prose Fiction
9.45 – 10.00 Coffee break
Panel 3: In the Back of the Classroom. Latin in the Margins
Chair: Maxim Rigaux
- 10.00 Craig Williams (University of Illinois): American Indians Writing Latin in Colonial New England
- 10.30 Heréndira Téllez-Nieto (ENES-UNAM, Morelia): Atravesando fronteras: La enseñanza del latín en el Nuevo Mundo (México, siglo XVI)
- 11.00 Yanick Maes (Ghent University): Elevator to Prison: the Latin Schools as Tools among Berber Intellectuals
- 11.30 Discussion
12.15 – 13.30 Lunch with poster session (Education & Research at Ghent University)
Panel 4: In the Front Row. Latin Literature and Competition (I)
Chair: Klazina Staat
- 13.30 Piet Gerbrandy (University of Amsterdam): The ‘Hisperica Famina’ as an Ars Poetica
- 14.00 Arsenii Vetushko-Kalevich (Lund University): Nordic Gods in Classical Dresses: ‘De diis arctois’ by C. G. Brunius
- 14.30 Jacqueline Arthur-Montagne (High Point University): Lampooning Latinitas: The Comic Latin Grammar in Nineteenth-Century Britain
- 15.00 Discussion
15.30 – 15.50 Coffee break
Panel 4: In the Front Row. Latin Literature and Competition (II)
Chair: Micol Long
- 15.50 Fabio Tutrone (University of Palermo): Masks, Fathers and Writers. Latin Aemulatio from Literary Education to Social Reciprocity (and Back)
- 16.20 Jonathan Newman (Missouri State University): Dictaminal Education, Competition and Literary Culture in Early-Thirteenth-Century Bologna
- 16.50 Discussion
17.30 Round table
Future collaborations and publications
18.30 End of day 2
19.30 Conference dinner
Saturday 16/09
9.00 Arrival and coffee
9.15 – 10.15 Keynote lecture
Rita Copeland (University of Pennsylvania): “Teaching the Schemata in the Middle Ages, from Techne to ‘Art’ ”
10.15 – 10.35 Coffee break
Panel 5: Crisscross through the Classroom. Latin Literature and performance
Chair: Claudia Wittig
- 10.35 Lucy Jackson (King’s College London): Audite Pueri! The Performance of Latin in Sixteenth-Century School Plays
- 11.05 Monika Otter (University of Dartmouth): Hanc ego dissolvam: Freedom, Play, Poetry and the ‘Ecbasis Captivi’
- 11.35 Discussion
12.05 – 12.50 Concluding discussion
12.50 End of day 3
15.00 – 17.00 STAM Museum visit (optional)